Check on Public Records
of Employment and Be a
Responsible Employer
All data pertaining to a person's past work experiences which are readily accessible are called public records of employment. There are countless databases where this information can be obtained from that will give an employer an exhaustive background check about a prospective employee.
This includes information such as previous violations or any criminal records, information surrounding a person's birth, past employers, and the like. Everything you need to know can be found on the internet. Most companies and business firms now perform checks on their prospect employees' public records of employment as a standard operating procedure.
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For obvious reasons, this is an important step that cannot be neglected in choosing who to hire.A company's longevity and chances for growth and expansion rely largely on the people that comprise it. It only makes sense that recruitment specialists take special care in hiring only people who are sure to contribute to the company and will become the company's future assets and not liabilities.
Human resource personnel not only scrutinize and evaluate a candidate's professional backgrounds, but they also check on a future employee's personal traits to determine whether or not they will fit well in the company's vision, if they should be able to coexist productively with the clientele, his higher-ups, and his coworkers.
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Knowing that a company will be reading public records of employment will help deter unscrupulous applicants from falsifying or exaggerating their resumes. Having access to these public records and being able to cross-check the applicants' submitted information gives the employer confidence that the information they have is accurate.
As previously mentioned, public records will provide information regarding any criminal records, past employer's assessment of job performance, medical histories, as well as financial records. Physical disabilities or limitations that may negatively impact job performance may also be included as well as information on whether an applicant has a history of substance abuse.
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Unemployment Rate
Due to laws on privacy, many companies request permission from their applicants to view their public records of employment by asking for their signature on a written agreement form. This is a waiver that will give the companies the right to evaluate an applicant's job fit by looking into their public records.
It is also advisable to check on regulations in respective states to verify that everything is compliant with local rules and regulations on these kinds of background checks. Many employees now willingly submit their records to agencies who collate accurate and updated public records of employment that make it easier for employers to acquire them. These also give aspirants an edge over other applicants if they are enlisted as they became more visible to companies.

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